
Daylight Business radio

Daylight Business Radio (DBR) on 106.1FM Copperbelt is an excellent choice for anyone interested in business and entertainment. DBR offers a diverse range of programming that covers a variety of informative content, with six core focus areas in Technology, Health, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment, and Agriculture.

DBR is known for its unique high-quality programming, which is delivered by a team of experienced hosts who are well-versed in the latest trends and developments in the business world. Whether you're interested in learning more about climate change, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, or any other aspect of business, you're sure to find something of value on this station.

Overall, DBR is a great resource for those looking to stay informed about the world of business. The station covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to today's business landscape.

Tune in to DBR on 106.1FM or listen via live stream by clicking here and discover a fresh breath of radio!

About us


  • To be endorsed as an authority in well researched and accurate business publications.
  • To be a leading brand in media excellence.
  • To diversify our investment to mitigate risk.


  • The key objective of DBR is to attract a loyal arsenal of professionals and economically active audiences.
  • Maximising profits.
  • To offer a valuable media alternative.


We have 6 four hour sessions across the 24 hours a day with heavy traffic placed between 5am and 9pm. As indicated, our focus is health, the environment, education, entrepreneurship, technology and agriculture. Against this background, by definition and all intents we are a business content radio station meaning anything we put on air must be well researched and linked to business. This approach will also allow for listener input. For example, a session will be made available where listeners can call in and file what they may consider ‘a daily challenge’ e.g. every quarter we find our business with tax penalties. The production team will take it up onto a feedback show after talking to experts then invite instudio ideal guests to explain with practical solutions. This will help create linkages between individuals and corporations with day-to-day issues as well as experts that give workable solutions. Our commercial depart has activities aimed at revenue generation under; spot adverts, activations, programmes, podcasts, outside broadcasting, social media platforms, seasonal events and sponsorships. We are maximise the cordial relationships we have with media buying institutions for rollover contracts for various products and services to be advertised.


It’s inevitable that earning a living is one of the objectives of entrepreneurship. But as we maximize profits, we seek to provide our target audience accurate well researched material to help them make informed choices while providing motivation to engage in practices that replenish our environment, take good care of their health as well as archiving the going concern and profitability while diversifying their incomes.



Introduce our business by sending introductory letters with the company profile to stakeholders targeting the Copperbelt.


Advertise our business in business publications e.g. in-flight magazines and websites


Attend related economic and business expos, agricultural shows, seminars and business fairs etc


Rollout the already agreed TV campaigns with our partners via spot adverts and programmes to promote our product.

More about us


The target listener is one who’s economically active, a business person or entrepreneur, professional, business scholar, retail and general trader falling in the age group 20 to 55 years. They are an opportunity seeker or have a plan yet not sure how to go about getting into entrepreneurship for profit.


We are targeting an unserved niche and so won’t be expecting direct competition from the current players in the region especially that they all have similar programming. The only envisaged segment where audiences may meet in terms of what they seek on air is during news. However, even then ours is 90% business news content which most players have just in one or two stories on their main news platforms. Business content is the mainstay for DBR 106.1FM


The most distinct feature that sets us apart and has been brought out at different stages of this brief is that we are a business content radio station. All our programming will be influenced by the business element in it. This is targeted at the minority sector of the community that have 80% control of the economic influence, the captains of industry.



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